Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for Children
1. How do I make an appointment?
2. What happens at the initial assessment and consultation for my child?
3. What is the duration and frequency of subsequent sessions for my child?
4. What does a typical Occupational Therapy session for my child look like?
5. What is Sensory Integrative Therapy?
6. Where can I find more information on Autism Spectrum Disorder?
7. What is Samonas Sound Therapy?
1. How do I make an appointment?
Simply call us at 68364560 or email enquiries@ozworkstherapy.com to fix an appointment.
We do not require any forms to be filled beforehand.
2. What happens at the initial assessment and consultation for my child?
The initial consultation typically lasts for 60 mins. The main caregiver should be present with the child for this appointment. Please bring along all relevant medical/psychological/therapy/school reports. We will do an interview to take a short history of the child and discuss his/her current support, school needs and challenges.
We will interact with and observe your child performing in various tasks and movements in a fun and non-threatening environment.
We will then discuss our assessment and analysis with you and recommend a suitable intervention program.
3. What is the duration and frequency of subsequent sessions for my child?
Subsequent follow-up sessions last for 50 mins and are usually scheduled 1x/2x per week, based on your child's needs.
4. What does a typical Occupational Therapy session for my child look like?
Every child's intervention programme will differ based on their condition and need. However, as an example, a typical sensory integrative therapy session for a child may entail the following:

a. Sensory Modulation/Attention Regulation (e.g. child prone in hammock swing, jumping on a trampoline).

b. Postural Control, Motor-Planning and Sequencing (e.g. climbing up the rock wall, standing on a wobbly bolster swing, lying down on a scooter board and pushing off with hands).

c. Body-Spatial Awareness and Figure-Ground Discrimination (e.g. crawling through layers of lycra cloth, looking for objects inside the ball pool).

d. Fine-motor and eye-hand coordination (e.g. constructing with Lego bricks, making a mosaic using coloured, assembling jigsaw puzzles, writing, drawing or tracing activities).
5. What is Sensory Integrative Therapy?
It is an intervention approach for the management of people with functional disorders in sensory processing. For more on various sensory processing challenges:
Click here for information on Sensory Integrative Dysfunction.
Click here for information on Sensory Defensiveness.
6. Where can I find more information on Autism Spectrum Disorder?
To learn more about autism facts and myths, kindly look up the following link: http://autism.org.sg/
7. What is Samonas Sound Therapy?
Samonas is an individualized sound therapy program that combines the essential elements of music, sound and science in specialized recordings. Through 20 years of research, Ingo Steinbach developed a system offering solutions for learning disabilities, attention deficit / hyperactivity, memory & information processing as well as spatial & bilateral organization among others.
For further information, please look up the following link: http://www.samonas.com/
8. Do you do school visits?
Yes, school visits are done at the request of parents and when deemed necessary by the therapist. These visits help the therapist further understand the challenges faced by the teachers and the students. The therapist then provides professional input to improve outcomes in the classroom setting.
Many parents have found these visits beneficial as they open communication links between our therapists and the teachers throughout the child’s time at OzWorks Therapy.