Functional Capacity Evaluation
We are outfitted to provide comprehensive assessments for individuals with personal injuries such as musculoskeletal or psychosocial conditions sustained at work or from road traffic accidents.
We accept referrals from lawyers, insurance companies, employers & medical doctors to assess an individual's functional status post injury.
A wide battery of valid and reliable assessment tools are used for outcome measures to determine:
Musculoskeletal abilities – strength, coordination, speed, endurance, dexterity
Functional abilities - material handling (lifting, carrying tasks), positional tolerances (sitting, standing)
Cognitive abilities – memory, concentration, instruction-following
Pain threshold
Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) reports can answer the following questions pertaining to the injured party:
What is the injured individual's residual abilities, limitations and tolerances at work and at home?
Is the individual feasible for competitive employment?
What sort of vocation can the individual perform and to what degree?
Which aspects of the individual's life-roles have been affected?
We have conducted more than 150 FCEs to date and our therapists are experienced as expert witnesses in court hearings.